CLASS OF 2011 - Abby,Alena,Amelia,Amy,Braden,Chloe,Eilish,Ella H,Emma,Eul Jaan,Finley,Harry,Jarrod,Jessica,Johnny,Josiah,Kaleb,Kalika,Kalyb,Kurt,Liam,Nicholas,Rilee,Rosie,Shakeisha and Sophie
Week 9
I'm looking forward to reward time this week
Congratulations to last week's winners...
Values Award - Jessica
Seal of Approval Award - Eul
Excellent Effort Award - Johnny
Prize box winners - Amelia (twice) and Rilee

27 March 2011

Maths time

Today we looked at the weight of different food items found in the pantry at home. We then had to arrange them from lightest to heaviest. This is something you could also do at home, but remember to ask your parents first.